English Greeting Expressions

Greeting: It is a word or gesture of welcome or salutation.
There are different kinds of greetings, they depend on the circunstances , situation in which the people are.
for example:
Formal Greetings: Arriving
Good morning / afternoon / evening.
Hello (name), how are you?
Good day Sir / Madam (very formal)

Informal Greetings: Arriving
Hi / Hello
How are you?
What's up? (very informal)
How are you doing? (very informal)
Very well, thank you. And you? (formal)
Fine / Great (informal)
 It's important to note that the question "How are you?" or "What's up?" doesn't necessary need a response.

Good morning / afternoon / evening.
It was a pleasure seeing you.
Note: After 8 p.m. - Good night.

Informal Greetings: Departing
Goodbye / Bye.
See you (later).
Later (very informal

A video of English greeting lesson.

     To greet someone it is so important in order to feel happy and comfortable with yourselves .The importance of greeting others shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s the first opportunity we have to focus entirely on another person and the way we choose to use those initial seconds determines the tone of our interactions.When we greet someone warmly and focus on them with our undivided attention the conversation will most likely reflect that warmness. When we greet someone indifferently or are too busy to bother, we set up an interaction that will probably be of a similar tone – and we lose the opportunity to reinforce good relations.
    When you can greet someone and in those first few seconds make them feel that they’re important to you and they feel good about themselves, chances are that you’ll have a better relationship with them and they’ll probably like you more. Making someone feel good in a matter of seconds is as easy as giving them a little extra, positive attention whenever you first see them.

Activities for English greetings: